Anyway, I often travel to the city and a lot of times to Occupy Oakland or if I am really lucky into the killing fields of 14th and International (very bad part of Oakland). Anyway, it is on these trips when I schlep from office to office that I get to experience the entertainment of the streets. And before, all of you go all agro on me about why people are homeless, let’s just say that I know and I am sympathetic – I’ve bought them coffee, food, given them money and have listened patiently why they have told me their woes and yes, for those ones that weren’t too germy, I’ve even given a hug (once, then I poured an entire bottle of hand sanitizer on my clothes).
I even, albeit accidently told one that I would sleep with him. You see it just came out, and this is where I could take my non-working filter out and smash it into oblivion. I was minding my own business, trudging my ass down Spear Street, when I pass this homeless man in an alcove who is laying down with newspapers covering the majority of his body and part of his face. I think that I stared at him longer than most, as I was passing by; I was wondering if he was dead or alive so I was totally floored when he opened his eyes and looked right at me. Startled, we held eye contact.

I called my husband on the phone as I hit the next intersection and he was cackling hysterically and said that he was glad that I didn’t cheat on him with the homeless man.
I’ve been around the homeless in Manhattan when I was in my early 20’s and other than them being incredibly rude and following you demanding money, or when you offer them a coffee and hamburger, asking why you didn’t get them creamer and ketchup, I wasn’t too impressed with their flair.
I once witnessed a guy falling to the concrete sidewalk where he was screaming and sobbing, as he picked up a nickel off the ground. He looked at his nickel lovingly, and then yelled, “WHY DID YOU DO DAT? WHAT DID I TELL YOU, STAY IN MA POCKET, I PUT YOU IN MA POCKET AND YOU DONE JUMPED OUT OF MA POCKET, STAY IN MA POCKET.” He put the nickel back in his pocket, and continued down the street.
I have also seen some crazy shit go down in the City – I once saw a homeless man shoot another homeless man in the SOMA area (South of Market Area), I also had some crazy homeless man chase me down the street on his bike while he was yelling some crazy shit – thankfully it was midafternoon and I was able to walk into a coffee bar while he continued to harass other people.

It’s a sad, twisted way to live, and when my girlies ask about it – I find it hard to figure out what to say.
Except when they asked this guy, if he was gold all over – then I knew that I had to hustle them to safety before he showed us.
For some reason, the local homeless guys in my town have decided to become my personal cheering squad when I run. It's always the same ones, so I know they're not messing with me, that they are genuinely encouraging me as I pound up yet another hill.
ReplyDeleteI have never been propositioned by a homeless guy, although I have received an offer of marriage from one who thinks I have a mighty fine ass. Okay, so I guess there was a proposition wrapped into that proposal.