1false 1prom·ise
“Providing an intentionally untrue binding
declaration that gives the person to whom it is made a right to expect or to
claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act “
In reality, I failed to live up to the nookie
promise. I essentially gave my husband “lackanookie” Which, according to the Urban Dictionary is a
serious and sometimes fatal disease that is caused by the lack of use of the
male organ. It has serious side effects
and can result in permanent hairy palms and wheezing.
I would like to believe that I am not the cause of my
hubbies rapid follicle growth and asthma, however, it appears that my failure to
provide said promises is something of a habit, case in point: (Rough
Hubby: Well,
first, I appreciate what you are saying but we both know that’s not true. I love you and good luck at your work
presentation today.
Me: That was kind
of mean text back from you
Hubby: Go back to work so I can get my wife back eventually, I love you.
Me: I love you too, mean boy making me cry (sob) (PS – you all know I am faking here trying to get sympathy and to distract him from the real reason why he is upset)
Hubby: What are
you talking about??
Hubby: I would
like to say that you would be frustrated too if you have been talkin all day
about nookie, got home took a shower, put on cologne, and then climbed in bed
and was told to go to sleep. Yes,
slightly frustrating!!
Me: Really, you
did that for me?
Me: Sigh (guilty)

Hubby: Yes, oh and
I forgot to include buying pop rocks too!
Hubby: Did I say I
bought pop rocks too!
(Note to Jen: Pop rocks are just sticky and glazey, there I
have ewwwed everyone out for the day)
I am also extremely guilty of the failure to deliver drunk
nookie, I develop a serious condition called, “Intoxio-narcolopsey”. Meaning that I get hubby all ready and
willing, disappear and end up naked in bed, snoring like a two bit drunken
whore with a massive case of bed head and a trail of slobber that would rival
most 2 year olds.
So I decided to do some research and pulled a couple of
Kinsey reports to see where my age group landed on the whole “lackanookie” debacle.
Holy crap, there are a whole lot of interesting statistics
Did you know that
5.1% of women my age have sex 4 or more times per week? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO ALL DAY….(well that
was a dumb question) Are you a hooker of
the soccer mom variety? Oh shit, I think
that I met a couple of you guys at the bar last weekend! That explains all of the motorboating on the
dance floor!

And for all you ladies who like to feast on the same-same
parts, did you know that there was a term coined, “Lesbian bed death” HOLY FUCK, neither did I!! Who knew??
Apparently, a sociologist named Pepper Schwartz (cause Salty Schwartz
would just be too silly) wrote a book where she stated that lesbian couples in
committed relationship have less sex than any other type of couple and they
generally experience less sexual intimacy the longer the relationship
Later ‘ole Salty Schwartz was forced to eat her words (ha
ha) , but wow! I guess that “lackanookie”
crosses the great junk divide.
And for those of you how are addicted to Dr. Oz (cause
sometimes, his shit just sucks me in, like the one show that had REALLY,
REALLY, REALLY large women who made money on the Internet cause they had “fetish”
websites where men watched them eat and gain weight) I SHIT YOU NOT….I WAS FACINATED…….it almost
made me want a second job where my back fat can make me MONEY…(Holla)

The good doctor said in his book SIZE MATTERS (and yes, you
guys, size does matter. If I can’t feel
you moving….it’s no fun for me) that
married couples roughly have sex one to two times a week. His point wasn’t how often you have sex but
whether you and your partner are H-A-P-P-Y with the sex you are having.

She's gained weight - (Seriously, you fucks at Men's Health can suck it)
She's working or drinking more - (Maybe because you think I'm fat you FUCKTARD)
She lets snide comments slip out in conversations with friends - (CAUSE YOU CALLED ME FAT YOU GOD DAMN MICRO PENIS)
You catch her mastrubating - (Table for one please)
She's turned into a VIXEN - (It's always my fault)
She's turned into a cold fish - (I'm too hot and I'm too cold, and you complain about me not making up my mind)
She's looking hotter lately - (Are you fucking serious??? DIAF)
She's more critical of you - (You think??)
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